The idea behind New Hampshire Camera and Photography Tours is derived from our love of adventure, travel, the great outdoors and sharing my knowledge. There’s more to our tours than just going out and taking pictures, I have a wide and varied interest in just about everything. I’m a history geek, I can’t wait to see what is around the next corner and also enjoy teaching willing students and cover many subjects, but photography is a passion. If you take a tour with me you will learn more in four hours than you will in a year. We look forward to you joining me, through this beautiful country.
For over 30 years we have guided tours all over the world. We have specialised in countries as diverse as Russia and Egypt, India and China as well as Europe and North America. We have been involved with winemaking and vineyard farming in Santa Barbara County; built websites for some incredible artists; photographed celebrities, have seen my camerawork alongside Man Ray in a New York auction as well as in print in the most diverse publications. There’s still so much to do.
Our other photography can be found here: LeeCamerawork
For imbibers of red wine: No Limit Wine
For readers of fiction, I have also published here at Amazon: Double Happiness